Monday, May 14, 2007

The Bastard Church of Scientology

Can you believe this: Editor defends Scientology report ?

The story of the exploding BBC Panorama reporter is a sad reflection on the limits, the cunning, and the utter stupidity of human kind.

Scientology is a new ... 'religion'. I am hesitant to call it that because its apparent values (technically, you're not supposed to know the full story of the aliens and volcanoes until you've coughed up a few million) seem to tend towards the absurd. Then again, believing that someone turned water into wine or heard the voice of God inside their head seems somewhat silly as well.

What I feel is wrong about Scientology is its requirement of massive amounts of cash from members in return for further revelations as to the true history of life, the universe and everything (although again, the word 'tithe' springs to mind). It seems so unscrupulous, so blatantly and perversely greedy that it calls for a great leap of faith itself.

Tom Cruise (I just had to mention him!) and the other famous members of this odd congregation bring a certain glamour and interest to this 'church'. But if it was just comprised of a bunch of hicks, red necks and loonies, would we be so enthralled? Scientology would just be another cult (note that word), unknown and uncared for. Based on a book by L. Ron Hubbard, it would probably sound like some sci-fi fan club gone wild - which it just might be.

I feel deeply sorry for that reporter. The way he shouts is suggestive of a man who is trying to reassure himself that the world is round, rotates in about 24 hours and is pulling at (and being pulled by) his centre of mass - not full of the crazies around him. The vast funds of the church means that even old Aunty can be hunted down by private detectives, harassed to the point of tears. Investigative journalism is by nature an ugly, probing thing, necessary for society as a whole. Nothing except the foundations of democracy, liberty and freedom - should stand in its way.

Oh, and by the way Mr Patriarch or Pope of Scientology: I'm an atheist. So nah na na nah nah!