Okay, perhaps the pun was a tad, say, crappy. I'm trying, alright? Anyways, the flic: not bad.
I've got to admit that I wanted to see it ever since I watched the rather dramatic and somewhat audacious trailer - I mean, having the opening sequence repeat itself? Pure genius!
Wandering back to point, I found Deja Vu to be deliciously full of suspense and action.
The plot of the movie centres around a terrorist attack in New Orleans. Denzel Washington as Agent Doug Carlin from the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives?) becomes involved in the police investigation and joins a rather special team who attempt to catch and (trying to induce suspense here!) stop the twisted psychopath who carries out attack.
And here we come to the dodgy bits. The plot is perhaps overly complicated, not really aided by the rather bizarre science. Yes, I do get the gist of Einstein's general theory of relativity (not really mentioned by the brainiacs in front of the screen) but sometimes the movie tilts towards the utterly weird. One notable scene comes to mind, where Washington drives down the bridge looking at nearby traffic with one eye, and traffic from 4 days, 6 hours ago in the other.
On the whole, a brilliant piece of screenplay, very exciting, very fast and reaches out to the humanity of the audience at times with a setting that is relevant to today's world.
(PS - apologies for the (lack of) accents you frogs!)