Well, it's that time of year again. 2006 - come and gone, and right now, I have 10 minutes left. Instead of looking back or predicting events, I'd just like to make a few personal comments.
I've had a tumultuous year - ups and downs, and so on. The latter half has brought me so much more than the first. To be honest, I ain't a confident person at heart. I don't think I was born with that self-assured zest. I get depressed most of the time, if I care to listen to that voice, or rather, feel that ocean of misery that wells deep in the corridors of my mind. Yet I have managed to beat it, I have listened to reason, and I am lucky to have good family and friends to help. I have a challenge coming up now, and that voice just tells me that I can't do it, that I won't be able to. But what I say is f*** that. I can take this on. I am sure that I do have the maturity to go for the big one. And that's my resolution for this year: to see that I keep trying, and to make sure that no matter what situation I got myself in, I won't be blue.
This is me back after a full 40 minutes of fireworks in the neighbourhood - none of them mine - and I'd just like to say, coming after a period of so many wrongs, I want you all to have a year that is fantabulously successful and full of all the fun you could possibly get.